What does the word “bhosdike” mean

It is a cuss word used in Hindi. In India is a very common abuse. This is a common sexual cuss word in Hindi and Urdu, equivalent to calling a person “a cÜnt” (literally - of a cÜnt), therefore be careful with its usage. Let's take an example here. The biggest example of the word Bhosdike is Pakistan. It’s because Pakistan is the only country in the wold which can fulfill meaning of this word. We all have seen what Pakistan has done in past 72 years.
In other words, I would say Pakistan is real Bhosdika for India. There are so many instance available on internet where Pakistan has proved the meaning of bhosdike is stands of itself. Since it is the biggest and most commonly used abused, Pakistan adapted this word as an identity now showing it's stupidity to world. 

You can call someone Bhosdike in India and they won’t mind but the moment you call someone Pakistani, you get in serious trouble. So you could imagine that even the abuses have respect in India but not Pakistan.

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